From the Assistant Principal
NAPLAN Results 2022
A summary from this year's testing
We are pleased to provide the following summary of NAPLAN results for 2022.
NAPLAN results are used by us to guide inquiry into student capabilities and inform teaching and learning. We triangulate NAPLAN data with other literacy and numeracy indicators as well as wellbeing measures to support our inquiries. This is an opportunity to reflect on initiatives introduced and consider other adjustments to learning experiences that can address concerns or build on celebrations and ensure we are focused on continuous improvement. By engaging in collaborative discussions to explore the data and go deeper than purely a cohort mean score, we can track the progress of individual students, follow a cohort over time and break down results by levels of achievement and gender.
Following the release of the national report for 2022, we are able to compare our results with those at state and national levels. As a Catholic school, we are also able to access mean scores across the sector. This provides us with a range of benchmarks for our analyses.
While mainstream media has been reporting disappointing results in literacy across Australia, Mercedes College is celebrating strong gains in writing across all Year levels, plus reading in Year 3 and Year 7. Mean scores in grammar and numeracy also saw gains in Year 3.
We regularly review our approaches to literacy and numeracy and explore the range of evidence-based approaches that could be used for general and targeted interventions.
NAPLAN will be moving to Term 1 in 2023, and these results will continue to inform our approaches, as we continue evaluate the effectiveness of any changes on mean scores.
Adrian Chiarolli
Assistant Principal
Teaching and Learning
In this issue
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