Digital Learning Our students use technology on and off campus to stay connected with their learning.

Connected to learning

Our teachers support every student to achieve their personal best.

Students can access their learning by using the platforms they regularly use in the classroom – Seesaw (Junior School), ManageBac (Year 6 to Year 12) and Microsoft Teams –  both on and off campus, as well as to communicate with their teachers.

Teachers also use other tools, including Class Notebook, ClickView, Mathletics, Stile, that students are familiar with, providing opportunities for varied, engaging and collaborative learning.

Students regularly receive messages from their teachers via Seesaw (Reception to Year 5), Managebac (Year 6 to Year 12) or their Outlook email account. 

To access Microsoft Office and Outlook, students need to login using their school email address and  network password:

  • Office365:
  • ClickView:

Managebac Student Guide

SEQTA Engage Guide

1:World Digital Learning Guide

For help with these applications please contact our ICT Help Desk |

Face-to-Face Learning

All students are expected to attend campus from 8:35am Monday to Friday for face-to-face learning. 

Students who have COVID-19 symptoms are asked to remain at home, and may engage with their learning online by accessing course content, materials and tasks via digital platforms.