Strategic Performance Paving the way for our students, staff and community to flourish, our Strategic Plan is guided by our vision and underpinned by our Mercy values.

The performance of Mercedes College each year is underpinned by our values, the Mercy Keys, along with strategic and enabling goals as outlined in our Strategic Snapshot 2021-2025.

Each year we review our performance in line with these strategic goals, enabling an overview of our priorities, investment, and initiatives that allow our community to flourish now, and into the future.

2023 Annual School Performance Report

The 2023 Annual School Performance Report is available online below or as a hard copy upon request from Strathspey Reception.

Mercedes College Strategic Snapshot

Our Strategic Snapshot 2021 - 2025 provides 5 strategic and enabling goals supported by clear and decisive actions that pave the way for our students, staff and community to continue to flourish into the future both now and into the future.