Our community At Mercedes College we value community, with many opportunities for families to be involved and get together.

Be involved

A key part of flourishing, is discovering the love of learning and enjoying experiences in the classroom and beyond ... and you can get involved too!

There are so many ways for families to be involved, from supporting learning experiences and coming along to community events, to coaching or managing a sport team, plus mentoring ... and all of them are enormously rewarding.

Find out more knowing we'll help you navigate the mandatory steps of volunteering within a school setting.



Parent Engagement Group | PEG

Open to all our families, our Parent Engagement Group (PEG) welcomes your ideas and opinions, so that we can hear the many perspectives held by our community.

Meeting at least once per Term, this group talks about issues that support and enhance the educational experience of students at Mercedes College, and their families.

With a structured agenda circulated to everyone ahead of scheduled dates and times, these meetings are chaired by the College, with key issues and actions captured.

The PEG supports College learning and sporting events, cultural activities, special presentations and ongoing philanthropy. 

As proud brand ambassadors, we work together fostering friendship, fundraising and supporting the delivery of engaging student experiences and events.

PEG meeting dates

Monday 28 October 2024 (5.30-6.30pm)
Click here to see the Term 4 Agenda
Click here to register your attendance in person or online

Friday 7 February 2025 (8.45am – 9.45am)


Contact us
T +61 8 8372 3200
E  mercedes@mercedes.catholic.edu.au