Middle School Students from Year 6 to Year 9 comprise our Middle School, and participate in a range of cultural, musical, and sporting activities that build resilience and develop the whole person.

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) caters for Middle School students with a unique curriculum framework designed for adolescents. It promotes research, self-management, collaboration, and critical thinking skills, plus fosters interdisciplinary thinking through the study of meaningful topics.

The MYP is a student-centred curriculum spanning five years of learning, concluding in Year 10 (the first year of our Senior School).

Students are encouraged to participate in extension activities, and leadership roles, including the peer-elected Student Representative Council. During this stage of rapid change and development, faculty build an enviroment that allow students to connect with their community, and actively embrace the life of the College.

Middle School students enjoy a single classroom where most of their core learning takes place, with only occasional movement for key classes. This helps to create a stable environment for successful learning.

Learning Areas

From Year 6 to Year 10 in the Middle Years Programme, students study across a diverse range of subject areas, following the IB Learner Profile. As they commence the MYP, students participate in all subjects, with a rotation of the Arts each Semester, then as they progress, students begin to make more elective selections as they prepare to transition to our Senior School.

The core subject areas identified within the MYP are:

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Language and Literature
  • The Arts
  • Design
  • Individuals and Societies
  • Language Acquisition
  • Physical and Health Education
  • Religious Education

Detailed subject information, as well as an explanation of the Growth and Personal Skills Programme (GPS), grading structure, and more, is available in the Mercedes College MYP Curriculum Handbook.