Whether your child is starting school in Term 1 or Term 3, we know this is a significant moment and why we actively support every child’s wellbeing, happiness and independence as they build relationships, explore new learning and transition to being a successful student.
Our Reception classrooms offer a welcoming and stimulating environment, which provides thoughtful, inspiring and challenging learning experiences. We ensure that your child is nurtured and inspired during this exciting time in their learning journey.
Your child is a capable and competent learner, and in Reception they explore and discover their strengths through a holistic program designed to ignite wonder and curiosity, finding joy at every turn.
A strong sense of belonging, underpinned by high quality teaching and learning, is an important feature of their time with us. Our nurturing environment ensures every student feels they are known, seen and heard in every aspect of their education.
We believe children are never too young to be challenged, and we help them achieve their goals driven by a genuine love of learning. Teachers develop a rich picture of every student’s learning successes, strengths and challenges, and each child is supported to grow and develop to their full potential. Most importantly, our students develop confidence, capability and self-worth that are great assets to them in their journey through their school life and beyond.
Setting everyone up for success
To foster a positive and successful transition to Reception and school life at Mercedes College, our orientation visits provide your child with an insight into daily school life, routines, and expectations and familiarise them with their new learning environment. They also provide a valuable opportunity to your child begin to build relationships with their classmates and our Reception teachers prior to them officially beginning school.
Being school-ready
Families play an important role in their child’s education. You are your child’s first teachers. During the early childhood years, families help their children develop skills, attitudes, and values that form the basis for later learning. Parents remain an important link between home and school.
After your child’s orientation visits, walk around the grounds and talk with them about the different buildings and play areas. It’s also a great idea to clearly label personal belongings, and to familiarise your child with them.
Here are 10 activities that you can do with your child to help prepare them for school:
- Discuss starting school and help your child to feel relaxed and positive about this new stage in their life.
- Discuss what will happen at school; explain the difference between morning snack, recess and lunchtime, and talk about the class teacher.
- Familiarise your child with their personal school belongings. Clearly label all belongings and help your child to identify their name.
- Help your child to extend a range of skills and abilities within your home and environment; look for letters and numbers around you, shop and cook together, sing songs and rhymes, and read stories together.
- Encourage your child to speak clearly – to say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’ confidently. Correcting speech errors.
- Help develop and support your child’s concentration and perseverance; complete puzzles, games and simple activities, and listen to music.
- Provide your child with varied social experiences. Your child will be learning to establish friendships and feelings of trust with new peers and new adult figures in their lives – the Physical Education, French, Art and Music teachers, and other visitors.
- Practice your journey to Mercedes College before school starts.
- Be a good listener and offer positive encouragement.
- Encourage regular sleep patterns and bed time.