Mercy Vine

Term 2, Issue No. 1 - 19 May 2023

Enriching Experiences

Giving back

By Stephen Heuzenroeder

The history of Student Mentoring and service.

In assisting Year 12 students with an upcoming task about community, justice and diversity, we recently discussed the history of the Mercedes College Student Mentoring Programme and the motivation for participating.

Looking through photos and items from its origins as the Learning Assistance Programme, and discussing its universal reach and relevance, I shared my own connections as a former student and then community mentor after graduation.

Students shared their own reasons for volunteering, many having been involved in the Programme in Junior and Middle Schools and wishing to 'give back' now that they are in a position to do so.

One student stated that "if I can help 1 kid for just a small part of the week, it makes me feel good knowing that I've done something for someone else."

We are very proud of our Year 12 Mentors, and hearing them speak so highly of their involvement in this programme affirms for me the strength and compassion of our community of volunteers.

Stephen Heuzenroeder
Student Mentoring Programme Coordinator

Become a Community Mentor by contacting Stephen via SEQTA Direqt Message or