Introducing our College Psychologists
Welcome to all of our Mercedes College families, especially those who are new in 2023.
Both full-time Educational and Developmental Psychologists working with College staff, students, parents and external providers to ensure that our community flourishes, we are responsible for:
- designing and delivering staff professional development relevant to student psychological health and wellbeing,
- ensuring that our pastoral care practices and teaching programmes address student need, informed by evidence based best practice,
- supporting students through individual, confidential counselling from Years 4 to 12,
- conducting individual assessments to identify a range of learning and social-emotional challenges,
- identifying key findings and recommendations from diagnostic assessment reports to inform individual learning plans,
- supporting access to external providers and with consent, liaising with providers to ensure that relevant strategies and support are provided at school,
- analysing student achievement and wellbeing data to inform intervention,
- assisting teachers with strategies to support the learning and wellbeing of each student in the classroom and in the school yard,
- facilitating parent information and education opportunities
As Psychologists registered with the Psychology Board of Australia, through the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and Fellow Members of the Australian Psychological Society (APS), we undertake our work within professional practice regulations and ethical requirements governing confidentiality, informed consent, information gathering and sharing and record keeping.
On a needs-basis we provide time-limited student counselling and case management. Teachers and parents can request contact, or students may self-refer. Where more intensive support may be required, we assist families with accessing external providers. We utilise a comprehensive process to ensure that requests for support are relevant and responded to in a timely manner.
The foundation for wellbeing and flourishing is laid when a sense of belonging and positive relationships are formed, so to that end, we strongly encourage parents to raise relevant student and family information which may impact academic progress, social interactions, health and wellbeing with the Class or Home Group Teacher in the first instance.
Our contributions to the Mercy Vine feature information about resources, programmes and services that support the challenging task of parenting, which we supplement with School TV modules and Special Reports available on the College website. We particularly commend the School Transitions module.
It is a privilege to work in our unique roles at Mercedes College, and we extend to all families our very best wishes for a safe, happy and productive 2023.
Anne Way
Director of Wellbeing
Andrea Fairlie
College Psychologist
In this issue
News and Events
Community safety | everyone's responsibility
Keeping children safe is the responsibility of everyone in our community.
Please talk with your children about how they can stay safe when out and about, including what to do (and not do) if they are approached by someone they don't know.
If approached by someone unknown and unwelcome, children are advised to keep walking/moving, not engage in conversation, and to never accept an offer for a ride or gift.
If they feel unsafe they can also seek the assistance of other nearby and trusted adults, as well as make a formal report to police.
South Australia Police suggest that if children are approached by someone unknown and unwelcome, that they use their mobile phone - if they have one - to call police if anything about the interaction "doesn't feel right".
Reports about suspicious activity can be made to:
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