Beyond the Classroom
Building capability
In Term 2 and Term 3 the Curriculum Extension Activities 'Break Free' and 'Being Boys', will run. These wellbeing programmes are tailored to address contemporary challenges faced by our students.
Based on femininity and masculinity, students choose the programme that resonates with their personal feelings and experiences, partcipating in activities with a mentor across 8 weeks and culminating with a 2 day camp at Aldinga or Douglas Scrub.
Topics explored in each group include the pressures of social media, risk taking, self defence, informed decision-making, positive sharing of emotions, and gender roles.
Through the programme, students build a mutually respectful relationship with their peers and teachers that is established through openness and trust. This builds capacity to face challenges successfully throughout the current academic year, and well into the future as they are valuable life long skills.
To find out more, or join, please contact Isabella Hartley or Damian Vahlis via SEQTA.
In this issue
News and Events
Community safety | everyone's responsibility
Keeping children safe is the responsibility of everyone in our community.
Please talk with your children about how they can stay safe when out and about, including what to do (and not do) if they are approached by someone they don't know.
If approached by someone unknown and unwelcome, children are advised to keep walking/moving, not engage in conversation, and to never accept an offer for a ride or gift.
If they feel unsafe they can also seek the assistance of other nearby and trusted adults, as well as make a formal report to police.
South Australia Police suggest that if children are approached by someone unknown and unwelcome, that they use their mobile phone - if they have one - to call police if anything about the interaction "doesn't feel right".
Reports about suspicious activity can be made to:
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