Term 1, | Issue No. 2 - 10 March 2023

Abundance of learning experiences
Today we enjoyed the Year 7 to Year 12 Athlectics Carnival at the SA Athletics Stadium and celebrated the International Womens' Day breakfast with invited students able to hear from keynote speaker, Ambassador Caroline Kennedy. We are well into Term 1 and there’s an abundance of learning taking place right across our campus now, with more to come! From early learners adjusting to new routines, and senior students setting themselves up for assessment success, to inquiry based learning in the classroom as young minds explore issues and topics through a solutions lens, learning takes many forms. Read more >

Embracing leadership opportunities
Welcome to the start of the 2023 academic year, especially families joining our community for the first time

Director of Mission
Compassion marks the season of Lent
The early weeks of 2023 have marked many important occasions.

Fabulous at 55
Lifelong friends
Lifelong connections forged through the International Student Programme

College News
Assessing concussion
Your Brain Health is a collaboration between Adelaide neurological physiotherapy clinics and other health professionals involved in assessing and managing concussion.
In this issue
News and Events
Community safety | everyone's responsibility
Keeping children safe is the responsibility of everyone in our community.
Please talk with your children about how they can stay safe when out and about, including what to do (and not do) if they are approached by someone they don't know.
If approached by someone unknown and unwelcome, children are advised to keep walking/moving, not engage in conversation, and to never accept an offer for a ride or gift.
If they feel unsafe they can also seek the assistance of other nearby and trusted adults, as well as make a formal report to police.
South Australia Police suggest that if children are approached by someone unknown and unwelcome, that they use their mobile phone - if they have one - to call police if anything about the interaction "doesn't feel right".
Reports about suspicious activity can be made to:
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