Mercy Vine

Term 3, Issue No. 2 - 16 August 2019

From the Health Administrator

Year 8 Immunisations

By Benita Heritage

A reminder the last session of the Year 8 Immunisations is on Tuesday 28 August.

Students can wear their PE uniforms on this day for ease of administration of the Immunisations. 

Staying Healthy in Winter

We are now in the final official last month of winter; however, I expect there will still be some nasty flus and winter illnesses circulating amongst our College community. I encourage you to look at some tips on how to stay healthy in winter. Maintaining good foods in your diet, participating in exercise and taking other measures can help reduce health risks associated with the winter season.  

Please contact me if there has been a change in your child’s health conditions or if there are any health concerns or new conditions we should know about. We take a proactive approach in supporting our student’s health and wellbeing while at school and work together with families so this can be achieved. Please contact me via email at

Benita Heritage
Health Administrator (RN)

Important Dates

Friday 16 August 
Winter Sports, Leadership and Co-curricular Photos

Monday 19 August 
Year 12 IB Language Acquisition Oral Exams

Tuesday 20 August
Year 12 IB Language Acquisition Oral Exams

Wednesday 21 August
Year 12 IB Language Acquisition Oral Exams

Intercollegiate Cross Country
4:00pm | St Ignatius' College

Friday 23 August 
9JH & 9GB Class Mass

Book Week Assembly
9:00am | Junior School Hall 

Intercollegiate Table Tennis
4:00pm | St Ignatius' College

Monday 26 August 
Year 12 SACE Drama Production Week

Tuesday 27 August 
Year 8 Immunisations

Wednesday 28 August 
Year 6 Canberra Trip Parent Information Night 
6:00pm | Mercy Lecture Theatre

Thursday 29 August 
Father's Day Coffee Morning
7:45am | Mercedes Cafe

Girls Winter Sport Presentation Evening 
6:00pm | Gleeson Hall

Friday 30 August 
Student Free Day

Intercollegiate Debating
5:45pm | St Ignatius' College

Saturday 31 August 
Intercollegiate Games
St Ignatius' College

Full Calendar > 

Second Hand Uniform Shop Change of Opening Times

The Second Hand Uniform Shop is now open during school terms on:

Monday              2.30pm – 4.00pm
Wednesday        8.00am – 9.00am

It is no longer open on Friday mornings.


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