Out of School Hours Care The care we provide children before and after school supports their learning in a fun and caring environment.

Our programs, overseen by our Head of Junior School, sees children learning as they particpate in organised activities as well as through supervised play.

Homework facilities are available for older students with Middle School students also able to access our Library before and after school for supervised study during each school Term.

We're here for you

Before School Care
7.20am - 8.20am (every school day)

After School Care
3.30pm - 6pm (every school day)

Our fees

Here is our Fee Schedule, and yes we're an Approved Provider of the Child Care Subsidy (CCS).

Families claiming CCS will be required to provide a Customer Reference Number (CRN) from Centrelink.

For more information or to obtain a CRN number please visit humanservices.gov.au.

Enrolment forms

Please complete an OSHC Enrolment Form if you are a new to this service, or if your details have changed, and return it to the College.

Student information including their health/medical details are requried for each child.

General Consents, Direct Debit Authorisations and session booking forms may be completed for each family.

Family/families are responsbile for completing and returning all documentation and notifying the Director of any changes.

You may email your completed form to our OSHC Coordinator or hand it directly to an OSHC Educator when you next visit.

Change of Personal Details
If your details change, please complete our Change of Personal Details Form.

For further information please contact

Debbie Goss
Out of Hours School Care
T | 8372 3248
E | dgoss@mercedes.catholic.edu.au