The Hedge
Week 9, Term 3 | Thursday 19 September 2024 A weekly snippet of what’s happening ‘behind the hedge’ at Mercedes College...

Exploring Place and Time

Across Term 3, our Year 4s have been connecting their Unit of Inquiry, ‘where we are in place and time’, with their visual arts studies of landscape and the impacts of colonialism.

Students studied Australian artist Dani Mellor Mamu’s technique of using the blue and white of English ceramics as a symbol for colonialism, practised landscape paintings, and learned even more at their recent workshop with the Art Gallery of SA. As their final project of Term, students will collaborate to create a Kaurna shield decorated with native landscapes in blue and white, inspired by Mamu.

Reading Star

A big congratulations to Sophie (Reception, Fitzpatrick), who was awarded the runner-up prize in this year’s STEM Premier’s Reading Challenge! Out of an impressive 4,592 entries, Sophie’s artwork in the Nature Competition was a stand-out! Well done, Sophie!

Spectacular, Spectacular!

This week has been filled to the brim with music at the Spring Spectacular!

Our choirs, bands, and ensembles came together on Tuesday evening with nearly 30 different songs ranging from the classical and culturally traditional, to modern rock, and even brand new children's music from South Australia's Peter Combe.

Buddy Bonding

Last Term our Year 12s invited Year 6 students into their Push Up Challenge and buddy connections flourished.

This week it was the Year 6 leaders who put up the challenge to Year 12s, engaging them in games of Capture the Flag, mindful origami and colouring, and the always popular Just Dance Disco!

It's always great to see students bonding across age groups and supporting each other at every age and stage of their learning.

A French Masterpiece

Our Year 11 and 12 French students were recently entertained by New Caledonian French theatre troupe, Les Incompressibles, who performed “Le Malade Imaginaire”, a famous piece by French playwright Moliere.

A great example of neo-classical French comedy, students were thoroughly engaged by this story of a hopeless hypochondriac.

Absences App Live in SEQTA

The new method for reporting student absence is now up and running in your SEQTA account.

The ‘Absences’ app is the preferred method for letting us know that your child will not be at school. You can read more about how to use this system here

Parliamentary Aspirations

This week, our Year 6 students spent some time at Parliament House, deepening their knowledge of democracy and how our government operates.

This excursion was a great introduction for our young students, ahead of their visit to the Nation’s capital in Term 4. The excursion to Canberra is a favourite among our students as they learn more about how our country is governed, as well as visiting important institutions and memorials.

Concours de quiz

This week, six of our Year 9 students demonstrated their excellent French skills and knowledge at the SA French Teachers Association Quiz Night, taking out the win, after competing against several other schools.

Congratulations to Olivia (Barry), Clementine (Dalton), Eliza (Dalton), Saskia (McAuley), Chloe (McAuley), and Finn (Dalton) on this ‘remarquable’ achievement.

Connecting Across Generations

Our Year 1 students recently had a visit to the Resthaven Aged Care Home in Mitcham, where they shared stories and some of their artwork with residents.

Part of two Units of Inquiry, ‘how we organise ourselves’ and ‘where we are in place and time’, students and residents enjoyed making new connections. For our young students, it was a wonderful experience to spend time with some older residents, listening and learning. Lots of questions were asked and the interactions across the generations enriched students and residents alike.

Stories of Migration

This week, our Year 6 students shared stories they have researched about Australian migrants, many from within their own family.

Presented as though being told by the migrants themselves, students brought stories to life by remaining still until approached, when they would burst into action with their tale. Student and staff visitors enjoyed roaming the library space and 'activating' these clever stories.

Mercy Week | Everything you need to know

Week 10 is Mercy Week and our Campus will be filled with different activities each day to celebrate!

There’s something for everyone to enjoy and our College Café has added a sweet ‘Mercy’ treat each day to the recess menu.

Please note: early dismissal at 12.30pm on Friday 27 September

Monday | Community Prayer at 8.35am (families welcome), College Terraces
Recess special: Chocolate pikelets with cream and berry drizzle

Tuesday | R-6 Mercy Fun Run
Recess special: Green and gold pine lime jellies

Wednesday | Lunch time Sausage Sizzle - $2.50 per sausage
Junior School students to pre-order their sausage through the Qkr! app – orders close 5pm Monday 23 September
Middle and Senior School students will buy their sausages on the day – cash only!
Op Shop Fashion Swaps (recess and lunch)
Recess special: Cinnamon scrolls

Thursday | Casual clothing day (gold coin donation)
Middle School market stalls (recess and lunch)
Recess special: Cheese and bacon scones

Friday | Mercy Day Mass – all students to wear formal winter uniform
Members of our College community are invited to join this special event. Please register so we can accommodate you in the Yitpi Centre.
Mercy Award presentation
Recess special: Choc-mint muffins
Early dismissal: 12.30pm – bookings can be made at OHSC, which will remain open until 6pm as usual.

Coming up…

  • Friday 20 September | Kaboom Percussion visit to Junior School | Return from Break Free and Being You camps
  • Monday 23 to Friday 27 September | Mercy Week
  • Monday 23 September | Community Prayer, 8.35am | Primary and Secondary winter sports presentations
  • Tuesday 24 September | Reception to Year 6 Mercy Fun Run
  • Wednesday 25 September | Year 1 Grandparents Day
  • Thursday 26 September | Casual clothing day (gold coin donation)
  • Friday 27 September | Mercy Day Mass | Last day of Term 3 (early dismissal)
  • Monday 30 September to Friday 11 October | Spring Vacation Care
  • Monday 14 October | First day of Term 4
  • Thursday 17 October | Class of 2024 Campus Farewell
  • Friday 18 October | Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony
  • Wednesday 23 to Thursday 24 October | Year 4 AFL MAX overnight
  • Monday 28 October | Term 4 PEG Meeting, 5.30pm
  • Wednesday 29 October | Year 5 PYP Exhibition