Holy Week
The week between Palm Sunday and Easter is observed by the Christian faith as a time of particular devotion. Today, Holy Thursday, our College will come together for a special liturgy to honour the Passion of Jesus, his suffering, and his ultimate sacrifice.
Next Tuesday morning, before Lesson 1, we invite our whole community to prayer, to celebrate Christ’s resurrection and receive Easter eggs as a symbol of new life. Look for the white balloons opposite the College Café… and we’ll see you there.
Quality Assurance and Distinction | CIS Accreditation
The Council of International Schools (CIS) is a global membership community of more than 1,500 schools across 120 countries. Receiving CIS accreditation is a mark of quality assurance and distinction, enabling schools to benchmark the quality and improvement of their educational programmes. Mercedes College is one of only 20 accredited CIS schools in Australia, and one of only five in South Australia.
CIS Accreditation is a rigorous assessment of nine categories, which includes leadership and governance, teacher and student support, premises and facilities, community, and international homestay services, and is conducted every five years.
Having completed a self-assessment of these categories over a period of more than 12 months, a huge volume of staff, students, and community members met last week with a team of CIS members from around the world, to conduct in depth interviews about our performance.
This assessment provides transparency of our processes and is an indication of our commitment to continuous improvement. Our ultimate goal is to continue to provide the highest quality education to our students.
Thank you to everyone who participated in such an enormous task to help Mercedes College retain this important mark of distinction.
Photo Day | Reception to Year 11 + Siblings
On Tuesday and Thursday of Week 10, class photos will be taken of our Reception to Year 11 students, as well as pre-ordered photos of siblings.
Tuesday 2 April | Year 6 – Year 11 Home Groups, plus any ID headshots missed at the first photo day.
Thursday 4 April | Reception to Year 5 classes, plus all pre-ordered sibling photos.
Online sibling photo orders must be submitted by midnight, Tuesday 2 April. To order these and any other school photographs, please visit advancedlife and enter our school code: ZMK HD5 QQB.
Autumn Vacation Care
Looking for fun activities for your child these school holidays? Our Vacation Care team has put together a great range of activities and excursions to keep young minds and bodies active.
Check out the programme now and book early to avoid disappointment!
Success on the Cricket Pitch
What happens when sporting rivals put up two talented bowling teams? Low scores, high stakes, and frayed nerves!
Mercedes College First XI played Saint Ignatius’ College over two days last week, and pride was on the line. We won the toss and went into bat – but were all out for 68 – a season low, and a big upset for our Cricketing Camels.
But our bowlers went to work, fighting hard to force a draw with a late flurry of wickets. Lewis (Year 10), Charlie (Year 9), and Amitej (Year 11) took seven wickets for only 10 runs, resulting in a draw. A magnificent turnaround and great result.
Congratulations to our First XI cricketers and to their old scholar Coach, Nick Maegraith.
Mel Brown Art Workshops
Join Mercedes College guest artist Mel Brown in Term 2 and uncover your talents for portraiture.
Student places are filling up, so don’t miss your opportunity to work with this renowned South Australian artist on your creative technique. The price for the nine-week workshop series includes all materials, with participants keeping their final piece.
Book a place for this great opportunity now!
Senior Formal
Over the weekend, 240 Year 11 and Year 12 students attended the first Mercedes College Formal at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
This special event formed part of our 70th anniversary celebrations, and students turned up in their finest to enjoy the inaugural event. After a delicious two course dinner, the dancefloor was full, and the photo wall and video spin booth were kept busy all night. Topped off with a lolly dessert bar and some green confetti cannons for the final dance, it was a night to remember!
Connection through Art
As part of our 70th anniversary and the imminent opening of our High Performance Arts and Sports Precinct, the College engaged Aboriginal artist David Booth to work with our student leaders on creating an Indigenous piece of artwork.
David ran a cultural workshop for our student leaders, followed by an artwork session, where all participants shared the story of Mercedes College. David then worked with the group on translating our heritage into art using Aboriginal symbols, to represent community, connection and loyalty, amongst other values linked to the College.
We are all looking forward to seeing the finished artwork which will hang in our new building, and to hearing the stories about its creation from our student leaders.
Junior Pétanque Runners Up
We are delighted to share that our Primary Pétanque Champions made it all the way to the Grand Final of the SA French Teachers Association’s ‘Tournoi de Pétanque’ last week.
In a hard fought final, our team were Runners Up – a great achievement. Congratulations!
Mother’s Day is On The Way!
Calling all Mercedes Mums! Our Mother’s Day lunch will be held on Friday 10 May at the beautiful new venue at Carrick Hill, and we’d love you to join us for an afternoon of fine food and great company!
We will be looking to place year levels together to make up tables of 10 – or you can book your own group of 10 friends. We’d love to celebrate Mother’s Day with you all – so please put the date in your diary! Booking details will be sent out next week.
South Australian Student Representation
Mercedes College has again got a seat at the table of the South Australian Student Representative Committee, convened by the Commissioner for Children and Young People, old scholar Helen Connolly.
Year 11 student, Gina, was selected to sit on the committee after demonstrating an aptitude for being an inclusive and respectable representative of Mercedes College students and the wider community. Gina follows in the footsteps of 2023 graduate Sanna Sandhu, who was a representative last year. Congratulations, Gina!
Yes, Play With Your Food!
Our Year 8 students have combined art, food, and science recently, decorating biscuits with icing and edible treats to resemble the miniscule parts of a plant cell.
Education you can eat! Perfect…