The Hedge
Week 8, Term 3 | Thursday 12 September 2024 A weekly snippet of what’s happening ‘behind the hedge’ at Mercedes College...

Leading the Way in 2025

A big congratulations to our incoming College Captains, who will be at the forefront of our student leadership for 2025!

Annabel, James, Annabelle, and Theo all spoke with confidence and heart at our recent nomination presentations, and secured the majority vote from their peers and teachers to represent us in the new year.

We look forward to seeing them flourish in these roles as they embark on their Captaincy.

Celebrating Debating

Debating at Mercedes College is certainly going from strength to strength this year, with some significant achievements by more than 50 students across 12 teams.

In addition to taking home both Debating Shields in the recent Intercol win, we have had teams at both Junior and Senior levels make it to the Semi-Finals in the inter-school SA Debating competition. We also celebrate our top Debaters, who were selected as South Australian Debaters of the Year for their division – how fantastic to have two of only five award winners be from Mercedes College!

Congratulations Hardy (Year 9, Dalton) and Gina (Year 11, Fitzpatrick) on this incredible achievement, and a double congratulations to Gina, who is in fact the 2024 Best Overall Debater in the state!

Amazing Aquatics Camp

This week our Year 8 cohort are testing their risk-taking and resilience skills on the Murray River.

Developing valuable understanding of water confidence and safety, students are also gaining first-hand insight into the environmental and human factors that impact on our waterways… as well as having loads of fun with different aquatic activities, of course!

Visual Appeal

The Visual Arts are thriving at Mercedes College, with examples of student work on display along Baggot Street Walkway at the back of the Dalton building.

Included in the current displays are pieces by Year 6 students, who have explored abstract composition connected to something from their lives, inspired by American sculptor, Frank Stella, and by Year 9s, who researched the works of Scientific Illustrators from the Flinders and Baudin voyages around Australia in the early 1800s and emulated their technique to produce watercolour illustrations of marine creatures from South Australia.

You will also see the incredible results from participants in our Semester 1 Portrait Workshop with local artist Mel Brown. This co-curricular art activity used oil paints to deepen student understanding of classical practices in tonal realism, through structure and colour temperature, brush strokes, edges, and detail.

Changing How to Report Student Absence

Mercedes College is streamlining the ways in which families can report a student absence, so has introduced an Absence app to SEQTA Engage. Moving forward, this is the College’s preferred method to receive confirmation that your child will not be at school.

You will find the Absence app listed in the menu of your SEQTA Engage account. This short procedure outlines how to complete the form for your child.

The only other way we can receive notice of student absence is by SMS (+61 419 914 398), or you are always welcome to call and speak directly with someone in person (+61 8 8372 3200).

A Narrow Defeat at Trial

Our 2024 team took on the role of prosecution in the Mock Trial Grand Final this week, tasked with a case concerning a trafficking charge. In a closely fought legal battle that did our College proud, it was, nonetheless, St Aloysius College who won the case at the end of the day.

Well done to the whole team on a fantastic season, and a special congratulations to William (Year 12, Barry), who received the award for Outstanding Competitor!

Group Dynamics Tested

Last week more than 25 Stage 1 and Stage 2 SACE students participated in the SACE Sport SA Schools Volleyball Tournament against students from around the state.

This high-energy day gave students the opportunity to apply skills, collaboration, and tactics that contribute to their Improvement Analysis Task, and was a positive experience for all, with our three teams winning a total of 13 games out of the 21 played.

Coming up...

  • Monday 16 September | Year 6 Parliament House and Migration Museum excursion
  • Tuesday 17 September | Spring Spectacular - book today!
  • Wednesday 18 September | Senior Performing Arts Showcase - book today!
  • Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 September | Break Free and Being You Camps
  • Thursday 19 September | Year 7 vaccinations
  • Monday 23 to Friday 27 September | Mercy Week
  • Wednesday 25 September | Year 1 Grandparents Day
  • Friday 27 September | Mercy Day Mass | Last day Term 3 (early dismissal, 12.30pm)
  • Monday 30 September to Friday 11 October | Spring Vacation Care
  • Monday 14 October | First day Term 4
  • Thursday 17 October | Class of 2024 Campus Farewell
  • Friday 18 October | Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony