The Hedge
Week 8, Term 2 | Thursday 20 June 2024 A weekly snippet of what’s happening ‘behind the hedge’ at Mercedes College...

Yitpi Official Opening

On Tuesday, we welcomed Archbishop Patrick O’Regan DD, Foundation Students, Sisters of Mercy, Old Scholars, families, special guests, staff and students to the Official Opening of our Yitpi Centre.

Over 1,500 guests attended the event, which started with a Smoking Ceremony from Kaurna Man, Jack Buckskin, followed by our new Drum Corps welcoming the Official Party in, through a Guard of Honour of students holding items of significance to Mercedes College.

In amongst our readings and blessings, our students shone. The Stage band, three choirs and Year 4 dancers bought so much energy and joy to the occasion.

What a wonderful way to celebrate 70 years of Mercedes College, open a magnificent new building and also to pay tribute to our heritage.

As the famous Paul Kelly song says ‘from little things, big things grow’.

Soccer Star Heading West

Congratulations Alex (Year 11, McAuley), who has been selected to represent School Sport SA at the School Sport Australia 16 Years and Under Boys Football (Soccer) Championship.


The championship will be held in Port Kennedy, Western Australia from Sunday 11 to Friday 16 August 2024.


Well done Alex – a great achievement.

Big Day In

The Year 9 Digital Technologies class attended an engaging day at Adelaide University for the Big Day In this week.  The Big Day In is a presentation of future careers in IT and featured speakers from Adobe, the Australian Defence Force, the Australian Signals Directorate, and several engineering companies.

Mercedes was one of 15 other schools participating with students enthusiastic about the number of opportunities for future work or scholarships.  What a great experience for our Year 9s.

Vinnies Winter Appeal

Tomorrow is our ever popular ‘Beanie Day’. Please remember to wear your beanie and bring a gold coin donation to support the St Vinnies Winter Appeal, which provides food and warmth to those in need this winter, especially the homeless.

If you’d like to donate non-perishable food items or warm blankets, please bring them into the Reception at Strathspey House.

And if you forget your Beanie, don’t worry – you can buy a Mercedes College Beanie (Pom Pom included) from Jenny at Reception in Strathspey House for $15.

Career Insights Breakfast

In Term 3, on Friday 9 August, we will be running our Career Insights Breakfast. This is a great opportunity for our senior students to spend time talking with Old Scholars to learn about career insights, first-hand.

Year 11 and Year 12 students will share breakfast with members from MOSA and our community - to listen and learn about a variety of career options - from nursing to landscape gardening, lighting design to medicine, performing arts to engineering.


Last year, this event was a huge success with students who enjoyed the more relaxed format of chatting to mentors over a light breakfast. Students list their first and second career preference, and rotate through the morning to listen to different career options.

It is a wonderful way for our Old Scholars to remain connected to the College and to share their expertise and experience with our students, which helps them determine their subject preferences for Year 12, and for our final year students, it helps consolidate their thinking about what they might like to do after they graduate.

If you'd like to be involved in this important event for our senior students, please let us know by sending us your area of expertise to and we’ll get in touch!

Arts on Show


On Tuesday 2 July, our performing arts will be on show!


Winter Strings Concert

From 6pm – 6.45pm our Winter Strings concert will be held in the Coolock Atrium, and will feature performances by our Decorum Strings, McAuley Strings and Guitar Ensembles!

Tickets available now

Performing Arts Showcase

In the Gleeson Theatre, from 7pm - 8.15pm, our Middle and Senior Years students will be showcasing their work, to the concept of Joy and Happiness. 

There will be performances which will feature group choreography, performance, student composition and devised pieces from:


Year 9 Dance

SACE Dance

Year 8 Music x 2 classes

Year 10 Drama

Stage 1 and 2 Music


Tickets available now


After a hic-cup at the South-Eastern SAPSASA carnival, the Grand Final was unable to be played at its scheduled timeslot. As a result, the two teams organised a match in the traditional knockout format to determine the winner of the carnival.

The match against Linden Park PS was played in the Yitpi Centre with several Year 5/6 classes coming to watch. The match was a dominant affair by Mercedes college, winning the contest 27 – 9 with Lucy Coligan scoring 11 and Charlotte Thom scoring 16.

Mercedes College now progresses to the Finals Carnival on Tuesday 27 August, with the team to be announced closer to the date.

Coming up:

Friday 21 June I Mid-Year Reception Student Orientation

Monday 24 June I Year 11 SACE and IB Semester 1 Examinations

Wednesday 26 June I Middle School – Break Free/Being You Camps

Friday 28 June I Year 6 Inter-House Cup

Friday 28 June I Year 10 Flinders University Visit

Monday 1 July I Chess Master Class

Tuesday 2 July I Performing Arts Showcase and Winter Strings Concert

Wednesday 3 July I Last day of Term 2 – normal dismissal time

Friday 2 August I Quiz Night