The Hedge
Week 7, Term 3 | Thursday 5 September 2024 A weekly snippet of what’s happening ‘behind the hedge’ at Mercedes College...

Spring into the Holidays!

Our Vacation Care team has put together another two weeks of fun and engaging activities to keep your children occupied over the coming school holidays.

Open for all children aged 5 to 12 years, you can book your young person in for something creative, active, musical, or thrilling, with plenty to do on Campus, plus excursions to see JAM Band live, run riot at The Beachouse Glenelg, learn the history of Wirraparinga, and relax with the latest children's movie at Mitcham Cinemas.

Check out the full programme now, and book your child in for a great holiday this spring!

Courageous Calls to be Captain

Congratulations to our eight Year 11 applicants for presenting your reasons for wanting to be considered for College Captaincy 2025.

These brave young leaders made their cases in front of peers and teaching staff this week, with voting now live amongst students and staff.

We look forward to announcing our incoming Captains next week!

Student Free Day | Friday 6 September

A last reminder that tomorrow (Friday 6 September) is a student free day. Students 5 to 12 years are welcome to register with our OSHC team for the day if needed.

Our Campus will not be deserted, however, with Mercedes College staff being joined by the staff of St Aloysius College and St Francis de Sales College in a combined Reflection Day exploring our past, present, and future as Mercy schools.

New Sports to try in Term 4

New to Summer Sport in Term 4 are two development programmes for students who need absolutely no experience - only some curiosity and an eagerness to learn!

Year 7 to Year 11 students have the opportunity to uncover the intricacies of Lawn Bowls through a six-week development programme on Thursday evenings. Participants will head together from school to the Sturt Bowling Club for this experience, which may open up a life-long passion. Interested students should speak to Deb Hocking or Nathan Bassett about signing up, or contact them via SEQTA Direqt Message for more information.

Joining Primary Sports (Reception to Year 6) is Table Tennis Development, a seven-week programme of Tuesday morning sessions where students from Year 4 to Year 6 can learn the fundamentals, and build their skills ahead of possible competition Table Tennis in Secondary Sports. This is in addition to the existing Tennis Development sessions on Fridays, where Reception to Year 6 students can find out if they have what it takes to be a star on the big courts!

Primary Sports nominations for Term 4 are now open. Families with children from Reception to Year 6 should nominate their chosen CEAs here before 9am Monday 16 September.

The Power of Music

Learning music strenthens academic and social-emotional skills in a way unmatched by other pursuits. A universal language, music connects our students as global citizens, as well as providing them with a vehicle for self-expression, and helps children of all ages develop focus, concentration, and self-control, all essential skills for effective learning in any field.

At Mercedes College, students can take advantage of private tuition on Campus in a variety of instruments, including keyboard, strings, percussion, woodwind, brass, and voice.

If your child would like to explore learning an instrument, contact Raff Raschella via SEQTA Direqt Message, and he can take you through your options.

Safety Reminder | Delamere Avenue

We remind all of our families and visitors to practice safe speeds and driving when accessing our Delamere Avenue entrance. This is a busy space during drop off and pick up, with lots of people crossing roads, and alighting from cars and buses.

Thank you to our wonderful Year 6 students for their commitment to monitoring the emu crossing on Delamere Avenue each day to make this a safe place to cross for students and their families.

Once you drive into the Campus, please remember to stick to the 10km speed limit, and be aware of our many younger students who are walking to class. They are often escorted by younger siblings, so please use the pedestrian crossings, always giving way to walking traffic. Safety of our students and their families is always our main priority.

World Peace Reached

…in the Strathspey Parlour, at least!

More than 30 of our Year 5 students demonstrated their leadership and teamwork skills, coming together over five weeks to solve global economic, soical, and environmental challenges through this hands-on political simulation.

The goal of their work was to understand the connectedness of our global community, and extricate each country from dangerous circumstances and achieve global prosperity with the least amount of military intervention. Strategy and planning whilst navigating world banking, arms dealers... and a saboteur... we're delighted to confirm that the teams were winners in the end!

Learn more about the game from its creater John Hunter, in his origial TED Talk here.

See our Performing Arts Students Shine

We have two wonderful opportunities to see our performing arts students in full flight, as they further their learning experiences by receiving feedback from a live audience in Gleeson Theatre.

Spring Spectacular
Tuesday 17 September, 5.30pm - 7.30pm

An evening of music and song, featuring 11 bands and ensembles in a variety of musical genres.
Students range in age from Year 2 to Year 12
Secure your tickets here

Senior Performing Arts Showcase
Wednesday 18 September, 6pm - 7pm

Support our senior Dance, Drama, and Music students as they showcase their talents as part of their studies.
Featuring students from Year 10 to Year 12, along with a special performance from our Middle School Dance Troupe.
Get your tickets now

Still Champ!

Congratulations to Isaac (Year 8, Barry) for your recent achievement of winning the Adelaide International Judo Open (U15 <60kg div)!

This makes Isaac the top Judo Champion for his division in the country – we think we will continue to see more Judo success from him in the future!

Great achievement Isaac.

Team Managers and Coaches for Summer Sport

With Summer Sport around the corner, we are seeking members of our community to help our students have a great season.

Seeking Team Managers for Boys' and Girls' Secondary Competitions in:

  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Tennis
  • Touch Football
  • Water Polo

We are also seeking a passionate Cricket Coach with the drive to inspire and develop our Middle Boys' Team. Coaching experience is preferred, with a focus on fostering teamwork, skill development, and a positive sporting attitude.

This would involve:

  • Training Wednesday afternoons
  • Competition Saturday mornings

If you can assist with any of these positions, please contact Deb Hocking and Nathan Bassett via SEQTA Direqt Message.

And the Mercy Award goes to...

You have just two weeks left to nominate someone for the 2024 Mercy Award, which acknowledges a member of our College community who demonstrates the lived spirit of the Mercy Keys.

This Award is open to members of our community, volunteers, staff and Old Scholars.

Read all about the nomination process and eligibility criteria on our website, and put forward your nominations before 9am, Tuesday 18 September 2024.


Pictured: Andrew Balkwill presents the 2023 Mercy Award to Old Scholar Catherine Edwards (Class of 2015)

Visitor Sign In

A reminder to parents and friends that it is a safety requirement for all visitors to our College to sign in at either Strathspey (Junior School), or the McAuley Office (Middle and Senior School) before attending to their child’s class or activity.

This lets us know how many people are on Campus in the case of an emergency, and lets other adults know that you are a sanctioned visitor who has a legitimate reason for being on our Campus.

We love welcoming visitors and families to the College, and this is an important part of ensuring we are all aware of who is on our grounds.

Coming up...

  • Friday 6 September | Student Free Day
  • Monday 9 to Friday 13 September | Year 8 Camps | Year 10 Work Experience
  • Monday 16 September | Year 6 Parliament House and Migration Museum excursion
  • Tuesday 17 September | Spring Spectacular 
  • Wednesday 18 September | Senior Performing Arts Showcase
  • Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 September | Year 9 Break Free and Being You Camps
  • Thursday 19 September | Year 7 Vaccinations
  • Monday 23 September | Year 10 to Year 12 Winter Sports Presentation Night
  • Monday 23 to Friday 27 September | Mercy Week activities
  • Tuesday 24 September | Reception to Year 6 Mercy Fun Run
  • Wednesday 25 September | Year 1 Grandparents Day
  • Friday 27 September | Mercy Day Mass (Nominate for 2024 Mercy Award) | Last Day Term 3 (early dismissal)
  • Monday 30 September to Friday 11 October | Spring Vacation Care
  • Monday 14 October | First Day Term 4
  • Thursday 17 October | Year 12 Campus Farewell
  • Friday 18 October | Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony (Yitpi Centre)