The Hedge
Week 6, Term 4 | Thursday 21 November 2024 A weekly snippet of what’s happening ‘behind the hedge’ at Mercedes College...

STEM MAD National Title

A talented group of Year 4 and Year 5 students were surprised yesterday to learn they had won the overall Andy Thompson Foundation Award for the National STEM MAD Challenge!

Competing against students from 110 schools around Australia, Mercedes College students stood out for their innovative and impactful project, titled ‘Decreasing Stress and isolation for Astronauts’, which they showcased in the South Australia STEM Exhibition earlier this year.

STEM MAD (Make A Difference) celebrates student initiatives that use Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) principles to address real-world issues and create meaningful change.

To win this Award, at a national level is a great achievement and shows that a passion for all things STEM is alive and well at Mercedes College – as well as some very talented students!

Music to Our Ears

We are excited to share that two new Music Teachers will be joining our Performing Arts Team in 2025.

Helen Hopping brings a wealth of experience to Mercedes College, having worked in international and Australian schools and has also been an IB Diploma Music Examiner.

She enjoys playing keyboards in R&B bands, is passionate about music, and is excited to join the Music Programme next year.

Alex Gillespie also has a rich background in performance and teaching, having served as Head of Music at two prestigious schools in London and Buckinghamshire.

He is also an Apple Certified Pro in Logic Pro X, utilising music technology to enhance creativity. A lover of guitar and composition, Alex has written for artists including Featherstone,and has performed at world renowned venues such as Ronnie Scott’s.

We look forward to seeing the enthusiasm for contemporary music that Alex will bring to inspire our students in 2025.

Vacation Care

Get ready for the upcoming holidays with our December Vacation Care Programme - available now.

There's a festive feeling over the two-week schedule that includes baking, crafts, and a PJ day, as well as a trip to the movies, a visit from some native animal friends, and more!

You can also start booking your places for the Summer Programme in January, more information and booking form available here.

Parlez-vous Francais?

This Term, Elodie Delattre, a French law graduate from Lorraine University, joined the College as a volunteer. She has made a big impact with our language students, spending time with them in lessons, working one-on-one for their oral and written assessments, as well as creating resources for our staff.

Our Language Team is now looking to work with French Universities further to engage
pre-service teachers looking for experience abroad, to work with us from June to September.

If we can secure a French Language assistant in 2025, we will also be putting out a call for a family who may be happy to host them in your home!

If you would like to take part in this exciting new project or have further questions, please contact our Learning Area Leader – Languages, Claire Charenton

Sports Fun Day

Last Friday, our Reception to Year 6 students came out in all their colourful glory to take part in our annual Sports Fun Day. Every part of the Ovals and Rose Garden were filled with smiling, cheering, and chanting from students (and families!) and classes ran, tugged, threw, jumped, played, and enjoyed some healthy and happy competition!

There was a line at the College Coffee Cart all morning, but the highlight was the House Bake Sale – thanks to all the families who baked and volunteered on the day. It was a perfect example of the great community spirit that is alive and well at Mercedes College.

Fitzpatrick House took win this year – congratulations!

Paris is always a good idea...

Today was the perfect day, to travel to Paris!

This annual tradition takes place in our Junior School, where students enjoy all things ‘French’ for a day. Reception students took a quick trip to France’s capital, learning about the culture, food, and landmarks of Paris.

Immersing themselves in the experience, students navigated airport security and customs before visiting a number of famous landmarks set up around the Campus. And the perfect way to end the trip? Well some chocolat chaud and a croissant at a French Café of course!

What a journée magnifique!

2025 Formal
Save the Date!

As we head towards the end of this school year, we are already looking ahead to 2025 and plans for some of our key events.

Our 2025 Year 11 and Year 12 families can now mark the date of the Formal in your calendars!

Saturday 22 February 2025
Adelaide Convention Centre

More details, including booking information, will be out soon.

Beach Time

Our Year 3 students recently took advantage of our sunny spring weather to visit Port Noarlunga beach, learning vital water safety skills and exploring the coastal habitat.

All of our intrepid explorers had a fantastic day, and left with a deeper understanding and appreciation for our oceans.

Creative Storytellers

Today our Year 8 students completed an MYP Religious Education project about the way cultures use storytelling to shape the behaviour of others by presenting their own stories to Year 3 students.

Using their critical thinking skills, students used their knowledge of common sayings, fables, Dreamtime, and parables to create their own children's book promoting a positive message or moral.

Reading their books with Year 1 students today was an enjoyable and successful way to conclude their work.


Coming up…