The Hedge
Week 6, Term 2 | Thursday 6 June 2024 A weekly snippet of what’s happening ‘behind the hedge’ at Mercedes College...

A Sparkling Night

It was a glittering celebration, 70 years in the making, when more than 300 guests attended our Emerald Ball on Saturday night!

A great night was had by all, and the highlights were definitely the drama student performance showcasing ‘uniforms and school life over seven decades’, and the special 70th Anniversary video featuring students, parents, staff, past parents, Old Scholars, Foundation Students, and even a Mercy Sister.

In between dining and dancing, guests enjoyed the Wine Wall, specially-themed Photo Lounge, the silent auction, Glitter Bar and, on arrival, the Champagne Skirt! The dancefloor was full and the end of the night was spent under a flurry of green confetti – a sensational celebration!

Junior School Office Makeover

Our Year 5s recently spent many hours working and collaborating with local artist in residence, Lucinda Penn, on a mural celebrating the Mercy Keys for our 70th year.

The group's design incorporates our College colours, each Mercy Key along the side wall, as well as the six Keys 'watering the world' - a fitting analogy for our Mercedes College values.

Congratulations to our artistic Year 5s on this amazing addition to Campus!

Reminder | Use of Founders Lane

A reminder that Founders Lane, entered through Gate 3 off Carrick Hill Drive, is strictly a 'Kiss 'n' Drop zone.

Please do not use this area to park your car and walk your child into school – if you need to escort your child, please park on surrounding streets and enter via a pedestrian access point.

By using Founders Lane in the way it is intended, traffic will move smoothly and prevent congestion and time delays. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

SAPOL Band Incursion

Last week, our Year 6 and Year 7 students were entertained by the SA Police Band, who used the opportunity to weave in lessons about building and maintaining safe communities.

A great session to bring music, confidence and performance together, as well as looking out for each other!

Bushwalking Break

Recently, our Year 9s embarked on a self-managed, four-day hiking trip through the Flinders Ranges. They pushed themselves mentally, socially and physically, developing a greater sense of self-awareness and building positive relationships.

This unique opportunity will give our Year 9 students capacity to face future challenges.


Our Year 12s celebrated the halfway point of their final year at Mercedes College by reminiscing about what they wanted to be when they grew up… doctors, nurses, paediatricians, veterinarians… football and soccer stars… dancers, chefs, TV presenters… palaeontologists and even a dolphin trainer amongst the crew…

You are nearly there Year 12s… your final year of schooling!

Pushing for better mental health

Congratulations to Year 12 student, Thomas, who is participating in The Push Up Challenge – a national initiative in schools, to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing and the importance of exercise.

More than 20 of our Senior School students came out to support Thomas after Netball and Footy training on Tuesday evening, to take part in two live Channel 10 weather crosses. Cheers as well to Elka, Thomas’s co-host on air!

Keeping in touch…

We always have lots to share with our families – and SEQTA Direqt Message is the official channel for all family communication. SEQTA Engage is accessible on any browser, and through the SEQTA Engage App. We recommend downloading the App onto your smartphone so that you receive immediate notifications when communications are received.

When we receive feedback that some families haven't received certain information, it is almost always because they haven't activated or checked their SEQTA Account. A Direqt Message about staff updates in Term 3 will be sent to all families this afternoon, so now is a good time to make sure your account is activated, and connected to the App.

To activate your account for the first time, you will need to use a unique link, which we can send you. Email to request this.

If your account is set up, but only through your browser, you can connect this account to the SEQTA Engage App. Download the App from Google Play or App Store, then on your browser, go to Settings and click 'Connect to Mobile App'. You will receive an email with instructions.


We would hate you to miss out on important information – so please check that your SEQTA account is working so we can keep in touch!

Sports Stars on the Rise

Congratulations to Carter, Year 10 (Barry), who has made the U15 State Football Team, and Gabe, Year 11 (McAuley), who has made the U16 State Football Team!

Carter is a proud member of our Mercedes First XVII, and playing in the SANFL 16s competition for Sturt, whilst Gabe is a member of the U16 Glenelg squad and was selected to play in the Next Generations Academy, Adelaide Crows vs Port Power game during the AFL Gather Round.

Switching to a round ball, congratulations also go to Sofia, Year 10 (Fitzpatrick), for being selected for the Under 15 State Netball team, competing on the Gold Coast, and the Under 17 State Development Squad.

Sofia also plays for the Mercedes College Open As and will be travelling to Waverley with the College for the International School Championships in Melbourne.

Coming up…

  • Friday 7 June | Year 12 Seminar Day
  • Monday 10 June | King’s Birthday Public Holiday
  • Wednesday 12 June | Year 6 ‘Sticks and Stones’ Programme
  • Tuesday 18 June | Arts and Sports Precinct Official Opening with the Most Reverend Archbishop Patrick O’Regan (staff, students and invited guests only) | Year 6 to Year 9 Debating at Mercedes College | MYP Performing Arts Showcase
  • Friday 21 June | Vinnies Winter Appeal Beanie Day
  • Monday 24 to Friday 28 June | Year 11 Semester 1 Assessment Week
  • Tuesday 25 to Thursday 27 June | AMSSA Student Conference
  • Wednesday 26 to Friday 28 June | Term 2 Being You and Break Free Camps
  • Monday 1 to Wednesday 3 July | Year 11 Work Experience/CAS
  • Tuesday 2 July | Winter Winds and Strings
  • Wednesday 3 July | Last Day Term 2