The Hedge
Week 5, Term 2 | Thursday 30 May 2024 A weekly snippet of what’s happening ‘behind the hedge’ at Mercedes College...

Powerful Representation

At our first whole-of-College Assembly last Friday, guest artist David Booth presented his finished artwork to the College and shared the background behind its symbolism with the whole school.

David was commissioned by the College to create an artwork that told the story of Mercedes College, as part of our 70th anniversary and our Reconciliation Action Plan. He spent time working with some students over several weeks, sharing his knowledge about culture, symbols, language, and inviting students to tell stories about the College, the Mercy Keys, and the Sisters of Mercy.

Using traditional Indigenous symbols, the finished artwork brings together all of these elements, as well as acknowledging our connection to the Mimili community of the APY Lands and our ongoing visits to this special place.

This special artwork will be hung in our Coolock Atrium in the new Arts and Sports precinct.

Reconciliation Round

In acknowledgement of National Reconciliation Week, our sports teams participated in Reconciliation Round last Saturday, donning a specially designed uniform in support for our First Nations peoples.

In Football and Netball, our A and B teams wore uniforms designed by Year 11 student, Zedekiah. The elements of Zed’s design were explained at our recent assembly, where we learned that the symbols chosen were a celebration of passing culture down through generations, and an homage to Zed’s home in Mimili.

A big congratulations to our Boys’ First and Second XVIII Teams for taking the win in both games against Christian Brothers College, as well as our Girls’ Open A Netballers for their victory over St Mary’s College.

Artist David Booth returned to the Yitpi Centre on Saturday morning to conduct an official Acknowledgment of Country for our netballers, who were joined by both St Mary teams for this special occasion, officially launching Reconciliation Round.

Hands Up in Solidarity

This week, our Reception to Year 12 students have been participating in an activity to show their solidarity with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Using the colours of the Aboriginal flag, and words of support and respect, our gardens have been dotted with fields of hands that represent our support and acknowledgment of National Reconciliation Week.

Year 12s Reach Halfway

As a celebration of the halfway point of their Year 12 studies, the Class of 2024 will mark the occasion tomorrow with a breakfast. They will also remember ‘what they wanted to be when they grew up’ by dressing up to celebrate getting through the first half of their final year of school.

We always love seeing the range of futures that were dreamt of as children! This Mercedes College tradition gives our students an opportunity to reflect on memories that have been made over the last 12 years of their schooling.

Take a peek in the Hedge next week to see highlights of our Halfway Heroes!

Year 6 Boys Represent

This week, three Mercedes College students represented the State in the SAPSASA Football Carnival in West Beach. Congratulations to Louis (Fitzpatrick), Jack (Dalton), and Caden (Barry) for a great show of football prowess, and also to our PYP Coordinator, Andrew Khabbaz (Barry), who coached the City South Team all the way to second place!

Call for Nominations - People, Culture and Engagement Committee

We are seeking nominations to join our People, Culture and Engagement Standing Committee. This Committee provides strategic advice and recommendations to the College Council on matters relating to staff, culture, and community engagement.

We are particularly interested in receiving nominations from individuals with experience and skills in the areas of philanthropy, fundraising, marketing, and community partnerships.

The People, Culture and Engagement Committee plays a vital role in shaping the College's approach to staff wellbeing, workforce planning, brand reputation, philanthropic initiatives, and community programmes.

As a member of this committee, you will have the opportunity to contribute your expertise and insights, aligning the College's efforts with its Mercy and Catholic heritage, vision, and mission.

To be considered for this position, please submit your nomination, including a brief statement outlining your motivation for joining the committee, and a CV with relevant experience.

Nominations should be sent to Amanda Dyson by Friday 7 June.

We look forward to receiving your nomination and welcoming new members to this important advisory body.

Life Skills and Generosity of Spirit

Over the past five weeks, several Year 11 Community Service students have been spending their afternoons in the kitchen, learning new recipes, and cooking meals to be delivered through ‘Fred’s Van’, by the St Vincent de Paul Society (SA).

Fred’s Van has been running for nearly 30 years and provides more than 700 meals a week to those in need. In addition to nourishing the body, the service also offers friendship and comfort to people finding themselves in difficult circumstances.

Our students’ support has been an essential ingredient to help this vital service.

Reminder | College Cafe open mornings

With winter sport underway, and early morning training on people's schedules, we remind our community that the Mercedes College Cafe is open from 8am with light refreshments and (for the grown ups) barista-made coffee until 10.30am!

Coming up...

  • Friday 31 May | Year 12 Halfway Day | Year 5 Orienteering excursion | Year 6 and Year 7 SAPOL Band incursion
  • Saturday 1 June | Emerald Ball
  • Thursday 6 June | Year 4 to Year 12 SAPSASA Cross Country
  • Friday 7 June | Year 12 Seminar Day
  • Monday 10 June | King's Birthday Public Holiday
  • Wednesday 12 June | Year 6 'Sticks and Stones' Programme
  • Friday 21 June | Vinnies Winter Appeal Beanie Day