The Hedge
Week 3, Term 3 | Thursday 8 August 2024 A weekly snippet of what’s happening ‘behind the hedge’ at Mercedes College...

The Nineties for the Win!

Our annual Quiz Night was a resounding success over the weekend, where 23 teams battled through questions from the 50s to now in our first community event in Gleeson Theatre.

Teams looks resplendent in amazing outfits covering seven decades: the fluro, hairdos, tracksuits, glitter, denim, flower power, and disco-inspired costumes were spectacular!

  • Best Dressed Team Award: Studious 54
  • Best Dressed Table Award: Red Hot Chilli Camels
  • Overall Winners (by one solitary point!): Naughty Nineties!

Thank you to our sponsors and raffle prize donors, who were all current families or Old Scholars!

Language Week Success

Last week, our students embraced the exploration of global languages, playing international games, trying their hand at Bingo in various languages, ordering international foods, following clues on an internationally themed scavenger hunt, competing in our Pétanque Championship, and more!

It was a great initiative made successful through the work of our Languages Team, Library Team, and teaching staff, as well as Ben McCann, Head of Languages at Adelaide University, Les Deux Coqs and their amazing French delicacies, and the Adelaide Pétanque Club – thank you all.

A big congratulations to our Pétanque winners: Emma and May (Year 6), Hugh and Harry (Year7), Allegra and Lucille (Year 8), and Charlie and Brody (Year 9), as well as Top Scavengers Bianca and Gigi (Year 10, Bronze), Samuel, Will and Lucy (Year 8, Silver), and Noah, Ian, and Amelia (Year 8, Gold).

Strategic Plan Update

As we are just over half way through the year, our College Council and Leadership Team has been focussing on strategic planning for Mercedes College.

This planning process involves reviewing our current Strategic Plan and, importantly, will include consultation with a wide range of stakeholders across our community. This consultation is integral to the planning process, and will involve speaking with Old Scholars, parents, staff, College leadership, Catholic Education, College Council, and students.

This process will deliver a strong direction and clarity for the College's future, and will provide a focus for the College across three key timeframes:

  • Horizon 1 – 18 months' time
  • Horizon 2 – 18 months' to five years time
  • Horizon 3 – beyond five years

We are looking forward to working with you and all our stakeholders to gain insight, feedback and inspiration as the College heads towards 2030.

Get ready, Intercol is Coming…

Intercol 2024 is the 20th anniversary of the competition between our College and St Ignatius'.

This week, our College and Sports Captains were out in force with Cam the Camel, planning our strategy and getting our game face on!

Cam was sporting our hew Heritage Intercol uniform to coincide with our 70th anniversary, a uniform you’ll see all of our Open A teams donning during the week-long competition.

Starting on Monday 19 August with Cross-Country and ending on Saturday 24 August with Basketball, we have a busy schedule of matches – so put the dates in your diaries and come out and support Mercedes College.

Go the Camels!

Year 11 Retreat

Last week, our Year 11 students headed to Wellington and Victor Harbor for their Retreat, spending time with staff and peers exploring themes of stepping up into Year 12 next year, and living and learning as a cohesive cohort.

Our students had a great time and are to be commended for being honest and open with their peers, building closer connections and shared experiences that will help strengthen their bonds as they enter their final year at Mercedes College.

World Peace Sought in Strathspey

More than 30 Year 5 students are taking up the challenge of playing the World Peace Game which runs over five weeks.

They will each play a role in scenarios of global significance with the aim of achieving a peaceful existence amongst all. In addition to different countries and political influences, the United Nations also aims to bring cohesion and peaceful resolutions to each scenario.

The set up is impressive and takes up half of The Parlour in Strathspey House. We look forward to sharing more of their global challenges and experiences in the coming weeks.

Chatting Careers

Tomorrow, Friday 9 August, will be an early start for our Year 11 and 12 students, who will be having a 7.30am breakfast with volunteer mentors from the College community and discussing different pathways from High School to a career.

With vocations as varied as Accounting, Teaching, Engineering, Veterinary Medicine, Performing Arts and more represented, our students will have lots to think about as they prepare for their lives beyond the hedge.

Thank you to the family members and Old Scholars who are giving their time to chat with our eldest students about this important step.

Simply Mad for STEM

We are thrilled to share the success of our Primary entrants in the CESA STEM MAD (Make A Difference) Competition.

Our Year 4/5 students shared their solution to the challenge of ‘Creating a less isolated experience for astronauts’ and were the overall winners, bringing back a new Makers Empire 3D Printer for Mercedes College!

Held at University SA (Mawson Lakes), we also had three High School entrants from the College, all of whom used STEM initiatives to address real-world problems and take action that matters.

Congratulations to all of our STEM MAD students and well done to our Year 4/5s!

Musical Theatre Students no Flash in the Pan

Our College Campus was the backdrop for song and dance this week, when the cast of Legally Blonde Jr surprised staff and students with a flashmob of musical numbers from the show.

The season starts next week, with three evening shows and two matinees available. We are looking forward to sharing this production with our community and seeing you there to support Middle and Senior students as they tread the boards with energy and passion.

Don’t miss your chance to see our inaugural Year 7-12 Musical – book your tickets today!

Olympic-sized Visit for our Junior School

At last week’s Junior School assembly, students were enthralled by the story of four-time Olympian and triple medallist in women's basketball, Laura Hodges.

Laura was a member of the Australian Opals at the summer Olympics in Athens (2004), Beijing (2008), London (2012), and Rio (2016), winning two silver and one bronze medal, which a few lucky students had the chance to wear during Laura’s presentation. We are very thankful for Laura's time sharing her stories of resilience and determination, whilst spreading the Olympic spirit.

Old Scholar Isobel Borlase will compete with the 2024 Opals squad in their Paris Olympics Semi-final against the United States, 1am Saturday 10 August (ACST)... go Izzy!

Coming up...

  • Friday 9 August | Career Insights Breakfast (Year 11 and 12), 7.30am | Vinnies Winter Sleep Out
  • Monday 12 August | School Photos, non-sport co-curricular teams, plus Mid-year Reception classes | Year 6-12 Learning Reviews (telephone)
  • Tuesday 13 August | Year 10 vaccinations | Year 11 Subject Counselling
  • Wednesday 14 August | School Photos, sporting co-curricular teams | MASA Maths Quiz Night
  • Thursday 15 - Saturday 17 August | Legally Blonde Jr, a musical
  • Monday 19 - Saturday 24 August | Intercol 2024 | Book Week
  • Wednesday 21 August | R-12 Whole College Assembly, Yitpi Centre
  • Thursday 22 August | Year 10 Outdoor Education First Aid Excursion
  • Friday 23 August | Junior School Book Week Parade
  • Tuesday 27 August | Year 4 AGSA Excursion | Year 10 Subject Counselling
  • Wednesday 28 August | Stage 1 Outdoor Education Vertical Reality Excursion
  • Thursday 29 August | Father's Day Breakfast - more details to come!
  • Sunday 1 September | Father's Day