The Hedge
Week 2, Term 2 | Thursday 9 May 2024 A weekly snippet of what’s happening ‘behind the hedge’ at Mercedes College...

Generations in Jazz

Our talented Middle and Senior School musicians returned to Mount Gambier last weekend for Generations in Jazz – a weekend where over 5,000 students got the chance to play in ‘the big top’ and hone their skills in this popular music genre.

Our students had a fantastic experience performing, meeting other musicians, and enjoying live sets by Kate Ceberano and Budgerah, in stellar examples of jazz at its finest.

Winter Sports up and running

Inter-school winter sports are officially underway, and we were thrilled to host netball, basketball and soccer on Campus this weekend in our new Yitpi Centre. We are looking forward to welcoming other schools from across Adelaide to use our new facilities! We also welcome back soccer to the Campus, which can now be played on the Main Oval.

The sights, sounds and atmosphere of competition in full-swing along with cheers from the sidelines was fantastic and we look forward to a brilliant 2024 Winter Sports Season here at Mercedes College.

To build on the success of our teams on the courts, we’d love to hear from any parents whose children are playing for the College this winter. We are looking for Team Managers for several of our teams. The role is to coordinate communication between team members, and to enter the results after each game, via our app – so it’s not too onerous. We’d really appreciate your support and would love some help – please let us know by emailing


Mercedes College secured 12 wins out of 21 competitions this weekend, including narrow wins by Open A Netball, 33-28, and Middle Boys Soccer (B2), 4-3. We look forward to more success this weekend when all girls’ competitions open alongside the boys’ sports!

Welcoming back the Class of 1954

During the school holidays, we welcomed 60 members of the student cohort who started at Mercedes College when it first opened in 1954. A lovely lunch was served in our Staff Room, and the level of laughter and conversations was high – with so many memories to catch up on.

Deputy Principal, Narelle Sandercock welcomed our Foundation Students, and following the cake cutting, many guests went on a quick tour of the new Arts and Sports Precinct – all commenting how much the College has grown and changed… for the better!

Time to dust off your sparkle!

Thanks to those who have booked their tickets or a table for the Emerald Ball on Saturday 1 June at the Adelaide Convention Centre. If you haven’t done so, please grab your tickets, or buy a Table of 10.

We have a wonderful night planned, with fine food and wine, special performances, lots of dancing and a Silent Auction!

If you would like to support our Silent Auction, we’d love to hear from you!

This is a great way to showcase your business – everything from pamper packs, sporting memorabilia, wine, gym memberships, books, homewares… the list is endless!

Thank you to those who have already donated – we do appreciate it!

Please send an email to to let us know if you can make a donation... the more the merrier!

Time to get your bake on!

Last Term, we put a call out to all bakers to dust off the cake books and start baking to enter our Caramel Camel Cupcake Bake Off! We would love to receive all entries on Tuesday 11 June.

Please deliver your cupcakes to Jenny at Strathspey Reception after school drop off – and we will get our Tasting Panel together. Results will be published in The Hedge that week – where our champion Caramel Camel Cupcake baker will be revealed!

We will share the recipe and hope to be selling the cupcakes during InterCol, when we host St Ignatius' College in August.

Go the Camels… and the Cupcakes!

Debating SA

This week, Mercedes College hosted the first week of Debating SA’s Inter-School Competition for students in Year 6 to Year 9. We had 36 teams from 10 schools in various areas of the Fitzpatrick Building, arguing, convincing and persuading the judges to select their team.

We came away with points for Year 6/7 Orange, Blue and Green, Year 8 Green, and Year 9 Blue, and are looking forward to even more positive outcomes when other year levels compete next week.

Year 12 Retreats

Last week, our Year 12 students went to Victor Harbor and Wellington for their highly anticipated Retreat. The themes explored across this three-day experience were Faith, Hope and Love in all its forms, taking inspiration from the lines 'and the greatest of these is love' (from Corinthians 13:13), and 'growth, belonging, and flourishing', from the Spiritualties, Religion and Meaning course.

This Retreat has long been a highlight for our Year 12 students, as it allows them time away from the Campus to strengthen connections and learn more about each other in different situations. These activities and experiences help build foundations of support for the challenges of their final year, and cement friendships that last well beyond their time at Mercedes College.

The Year that Was…

Our 2023 Year Books are here – and what a year it was!

This week, eldest siblings in each family have been given one, so keep an eye out for your copy. This publication is a great way to look back over 2023 and re-live all of the highlights - in the snow, on the courts or fields, on the stage, in the classrooms, and at events, and of course, to celebrate the achievements and activities of our students!

We hope you enjoy…

A Celebration Mural

With the guidance of Adelaide artist Lucinda Penn, Year 5 students will be spending the next two weeks creating a colourful mural to commemorate our 70th year, workshopping symbolism relating to our College ethos, Mercy Keys, and history to form the final piece.

Our students will be involved from the concept and ideas stage through to the installation on the wall of the Junior School Office, and we can't wait to see the result!

Camping Adventures

Year 10 students threw themselves into a variety of activities for their 2024 camps in Week 1, electing to participate in fishing, surfing, kayaking, mountain biking, or rock climbing.

The Camp is a defining moment for our students, as they enter the Senior School, and the range of activities allowed them to hone their skills, collaborate with each other, build teamwork and communication skills, all whilst being in the great outdoors!

Scientific Crime Solvers

Today, our Year 9 students are donning their inspector’s badge and taking on the case of a drug dealer’s murder. Using their scientific knowledge, students are examining and interpreting evidence including arson, DNA, and ballistics…

So who did it…? Was the mystery solved?  You’ll have to check in with our Year 9s!

Out of School Hours Fun

Our OSHC service runs every afternoon during Term, as well as operating Vacation Care in the school holidays. With access to playgrounds, crafts, movies, music and more, our OSHC students have a great time after school and during the breaks.

After the early dismissal on Tuesday this week, children tucked into a sausage sizzle lunch before playing dress ups, designing brilliant paper planes, and giving the new Yitpi Centre courts a workout!

Junior Athletics Champion

Congratulations to three Mercedes College athletes for participating in the Little Athletics National Championships during the holidays!

Maggie (Year 8, Fitzpatrick) ran well but just missed the podium, coming fourth in the 800m and fifth in the 400m. Hayley (Year 9, Dalton) also came close to a medal, coming fourth in both the 100m and 200m. Congratulations to both of you for a fantastic effort!

Max, (Year 9, Barry), who was coached by old scholar Darcy Miller (Class of 2021, Fitzpatrick), had a stellar meet, winning Silver in Discus with a personal best of 42.98m, and Gold in Shotput with another personal best of 12.42m – congratulations Max!

Reminder | In discussion with Paul Dillon

Catholic School Parents South Australia, in collaboration with Mercedes College, presents their second Parent Engagement Event for 2024:

Teens, parties, alcohol and vapes: What do parents need to know?
Tuesday 14 May 2024
6.30pm - 8pm
Mercedes College

Presented by Paul Dillon of Drug and Alcohol Research Training Australia (DARTA), this session will arm parents with knowledge to help them navigate some of the challenges of adolescence.

We have some seats still available, please book your place to attend. Refreshments will be served after the presentation.
Livestreaming will also be available on the evening, with the recording available for 48 hours.

Coming up…

  • Friday 10 May | SOLD OUT Mother’s Day Lunch | Musical Workshops
  • Sunday 12 May | Mother’s Day
  • Monday 13 May | Senior School Paul Dillon workshops | Year 6-11 Learning Reviews | Year 6 Science Incursion
  • Monday 13 – Friday 17 May | Catholic Education Week
  • Tuesday 14 May | In discussion with Paul Dillon
  • Tuesday 14 – Friday 17 May | Year 12 Outdoor Education Excursions (Ral Ral Creek)
  • Sunday 19 May | Pentecost
  • Monday 20 May | Open Council Meeting, attend in person or online
  • Tuesday 21 – Friday 24 May | Year 9 Camp
  • Tuesday 21 – Tuesday 28 May | Laudato Si Week
  • Wednesday 22 May | Year 3-12 Cross Country | Year 10 Vaccinations
  • Saturday 1 June | Mercedes College Emerald Ball


Note: The Second-Hand Uniform Shop will be closed tomorrow, Friday 10 May.