The Hedge
Week 10, Term 3 | Thursday 26 September 2024 A weekly snippet of what’s happening ‘behind the hedge’ at Mercedes College...

Mercy Week 2024

It’s been another memorable Mercy Week, with tomorrow’s Mercy Day Mass rounding out a wonderful series of activities.

Bright and early on Monday morning, we gathered around the statue of the Venerable Catherine McAuley for community reflection and prayer, led by our Middle School Leaders and College Captains. Sister Meredith Evans, a Sister of Mercy, also visited with some very inquisitive Year 4 students to talk about her life of charity and justice.

Tuesday was punctuated by House colours, as our Reception to Year 6 students completed loops of our Campus for the Mercy Fun Run to raise money for Mercy Works. Whether they were pushing themselves for a personal best, or taking their time to walk with friends, all of our students loved being cheered on by family and friends.

With recess specials, a lunchtime sausage sizzle, market stalls and Op Shop fashion swaps, our students made Mercy Week 2024 a great experience for all.

We look forward to Mass tomorrow ahead of an early dismissal at 12.30pm.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Performing arts students from our Senior School took to the stage last week, to perform a showcase of works across drama, dance and music.

Featuring group and solo performances, including dramatic scenes and dance compositions designed by the students themselves, family and friends were impressed with the depth of talent and variety of acts being celebrated. Bravo!

Back on the Podium

After a string of judo achievements this year, Isaac (Year 9, Barry) has recently taken home silver in the Judo Australia 2024 School National Championship (U15 Boys, <60kg) and the 2024 Queensland International Open (U15 Boys, <60kg).

We are sure this won’t be the last time we see Isaac on a judo podium!

Thanking Their Elders

Yesterday, our Year 1 students shared their learning spaces and celebrated contributions of previous generations, with grandparents and other special family friends.

Students showcased some of their work, made gifts, enjoyed music followed by morning tea in the Parlour - a wonderful day to celebrate our younger students and the young at heart..

Term 4 Summer Uniform

Heading into the term break is a good time to remind everyone that in Term 4 we return to the summer uniform.

More than five months have passed since students wore this uniform, so the holidays are a good time to check that all items still fit correctly, paying particular attention to skirt and short lengths. 

All mid-length uniform items need to be approximately knee length or below when standing upright (with additional length permissible for younger students, in acknowledgement of their growth).

All uniform items are available from The College Shop, which will be open during the holidays from 8am to 2pm on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 October. Please book an appointment ahead of your visit.

A reminder of uniform requirements can be found on our website.

Film Festival Stars

Congratulations to three of our Class of 2023 SACE Creative Arts graduates who have been shortlisted in two upcoming film festivals!

Kai Gruberland (Dalton), Henry McPheat (Barry), and Maniah Griffiths (Dalton) will feature at the STUFFit Student Film Festival on the Sunshine Coast next month. Kai and Henry have also been shortlisted for the Adelaide Film Festival Youth. The Mercedes College community can get behind these Old Scholars at the AFF Youth Gala on 31 October, plus view all three shortlisted films online, now.

A Call to the Soul – Markotopa (Maniah Griffiths)
Wandering (Henry McPheat)
Momentary - Waterflame (Kai Gruberlind)

Farewelling our Year 12 Mentors

We officially thanked 60 Year 12 students who volunteered part of their study time each week, to be part of our 2024 Student Mentoring Programme. They shared highlights of the past yer and enjoyed the heartwarming video messages from their mentored students.

We hope that after their exam period is complete, many of these students return to Campus in 2025 as Old Scholars to be a Volunteer Mentor again!

Catholic Schools Festival of Music

The Catholic Schools Festival of Music is always a highly-anticipated part of the calendar for our music students and this year, our Festival Choir (Year 5 and 6) were selected to join the 370 student combined choir, featuring performers from around the State.

Additionally, Chloe (Year 12, Barry), was selected to perform and delivered an outstanding solo at the Adelaide Festival Theatre.

Congratulations to all of our vocalists, and we hope to see more enthusiastic song birds join a co-curricular music group in 2025!

Clowning Around

Our Year 8 students have been practising their comedic drama skills recently as part of their Arts rotation, exploring comical character based on clowning structures.

More than 80 students attended Circobats across Term 3, building skills in slapstick, learning how to fall and tumble safely, and trying these new skills out in short scenarios. We look forward to seeing the comic results of this learning with performances for our Junior School next Term!

No Hole in these Buckets!

In the warmer months (Term 4 and Term 1), Mercedes College hats are compulsory when outdoors for classroom activities, recess, and lunch for all of our students.

The College’s preferred choice of headwear is our bucket hat, which provides the maximum sun protection. As we live in such a high UV-rating state, adequate sun protection for the neck and face is very important.

From Term 4, we encourage all R-5 students to wear the bucket hat when engaged in outdoor activities. These are available to purchase from our Uniform Shop for $17.

We have placed an order for additional bucket hats, which will become a compulsory item for all Junior School students in 2025.

Thank you for supporting our sun safe policies.

Our Uniform Shop, which will be open during the holidays from 8am to 2pm on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 October.

For any summer uniform items, including bucket hats, please book an appointment to visit The College Shop.

A reminder of uniform requirements can be found on our website.

Giving Back

Our College's long-standing commitment to the annual Variety at the Zoo charity event continues its legacy, with eight of our Year 11 students stepping up to be mascots and chaperones, bringing smiles to lots of little faces!

With more than 1,000 young people and carers enjoying a day at the Zoo, our students were exemplary ambassadors for Mercedes College, handing out high-fives and mascot-hugs. Their spirit of compassion was alive and well, and our students felt privileged to continue this tradition.

Thank you Annabelle (Barry), Annabel (Dalton), Danny (Fitzpatrick), Callum (Dalton), Caton (McAuley), Rita (Fitzpatrick), James (Dalton), and Amitej (McAuley).

Coming Up...

  • Friday 27 September | Mercy Day Mass | Last day Term 3 (early dismissal)
  • Monday 30 September - Friday 11 October | Spring Vacation Care
  • Monday 14 October | First day Term 4
  • Tuesday 15 October | Year 4 Golf Excursion
  • Thursday 17 October | Year 7-11 Ekiden Relays | Class of 2024 Campus Farewell
  • Friday 18 October | Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony
  • Wednesday 23 - Thursday 24 October | Year 4 AFL MAX overnight camp
  • Monday 28 October - Friday 1 November | Stage 1 SACE Outdoor Education Camp
  • Monday 28 October Term 4 PEG Meeting (agenda to come)
  • Wednesday 30 October | Year 5 PYP Exhibition Opening Night
  • Friday 1 November | All Saints Day
  • Saturday 2 November | All Souls Day