Reconciliation… through discussion and song
As part of their studies into demonstrating Mercy and Reconciliation, Year 10 students sat with guest speaker Marlon Motlop to discuss his culture, connection to Country, and views about the representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in Australia and abroad.
A former AFL player with Port Adelaide (2008-2011), Marlon has turned his career to raising the profile of First Nations people, through his ‘bush tucker’ food company Native Co., and his music. At his visit, Marlon performed his single Blood in the Water, which reflects on the harsh realities of Aboriginal Australia, and the human nature to ignore things that disrupt our comfort.
Marlon also reconnected with Year 11 student, Zedekiah, who he met in February at an Adelaide Indigenous Student Social.
Mother’s Day Lunch
Tickets are now on sale for our 2024 Mother’s Day Lunch – Friday 10 May, 12.30pm – 2.30pm.
Our Mercedes College mums (and their mums!) are invited to lunch at The Pavilion, Carrick Hill – a beautiful new function space with a stunning view across Adelaide. After a sell-out in 2023, we are looking forward to another great event and hope you can join us.
To make sure you don’t miss out, book a table of 10 for your Year Level, or contact your Year Level Representatives who can help put tables together!
Come and enjoy a superb three-course lunch with beverages, wonderful raffle prizes and of course, great company. You deserve it!
P.A.R.T.Y. for Health and Wellbeing
Last week, our SACE Stage 1 and Stage 2 Health and Wellbeing students participated in a specialist programme, Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth (P.A.R.T.Y.) in our Junior School Hall.
Presenters Sean and Belinda walked students through real-life trauma experiences, and the rehabilitation process after trauma, and trauma survivor Daniel Wooley shared his own life-changing story to help students understand the impact of a traumatic experience.
Junior voices raised high
Close to 40 Year 2 to Year 4 students have put their hand up for the Petites Voix choir this Term, and rehearsals are already filled with high energy and enthusiasm for music. What a great turnout in our Junior School. We can’t wait to hear you perform throughout the year.
Year 10s get their bearings
Last week, our Year 10 Outdoor Education students headed to Belair National Park to develop and refine their navigational skills, working together in small groups to complete a variety of orienteering courses.
This experience, and another coming up in Kuitpo Forest, is helping them prepare for their Term 2 Bushwalking Camp in Deep Creek National Park.
Out of this world!
A big congratulations to Year 10 student Mila, who is one of only 12 girls in South Australia to be accepted into the 2024 SA Space School camp.
Taking place during the upcoming school holidays, Mila will complete a Mission to Mars, tour space facilities, and meet scientists and engineers working on real space projects here in South Australia.
Kangourou sans Frontieres Maths Competition
This year, Mercedes College joined the Kangourou sans Frontieres (Kangaroo without Borders) Maths Competition for the first time, with around 35 students from Year 4 to Year 11 participating.
Inspired by the Australian Mathematics Competition (which will be held in Term 3) and founded in France, this international competition is held in more than 92 countries, and is considered a test of logic rather than pure knowledge of formulas.
Congratulations to all of our students for being risktakers and trying maths in an unfamiliar way!
Exploring Adaptations
This week, as part of their unit of inquiry, ‘How the World Works’, Year 5 students visited the Botanic Garden and Adelaide Zoo to further their understanding of adaptations.
They enthusiastically participated in sessions with Zoo educators and teacher-led activities, and took advantage of time for their own explorations.
Athletics Success
Our Secondary Athletics Team recently participated in the first SA Catholic Secondary School Carnival for 2024, with incredible results across all age groups.
Our under 14s and under 16s both came first, whilst Opens and under 15s took second place – the latter by a single point! Finally, our under 13s gave a good showing, just missing out on the podium in fourth position. Well done to all of you for continuing to uphold the reputation of athletics success at Mercedes College.
A special shout out also goes to Year 6 student Lincoln, who qualified to compete in the State Championships for High Jump later this year - congratulations Lincoln!
Ukrainian Perspective
This week, Diane Howarth, a member of the Association of Ukrainians in SA and passionate fundraiser for rebuilding schools in the Ukraine, visited our Year 12 Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning SACE students to discuss Ukrainian culture, traditions, and beliefs.
Students enthusiastically donned colourful Vinoks and admired intricate handmade traditional garments, and engaged in valuable conversation with Diane about her homeland.
Winter is coming…
As we approach the Term break, we also turn our attention to the upcoming Terms and our winter uniform. Now is a great time to check the size and condition of winter uniform items in readiness for Terms 2 and 3.
Expectations of uniform are outlined on our website and The College Shop is open next week Monday and Tuesday 8am to 2pm, and Thursday and Friday 9am to 4pm. Please book an appointment if you need any new items.
Coming up...
- Friday 5 May | Community Easter Prayer, 8.40am | Secondary Sport SA Athletics
- Monday 8 April | Year 12 Learning Reviews
- Tuesday 9 April | Year 4 to Year 6 SAPSASA Swimming | Summer Co-Curricular group photos
- Wednesday 10 April | Year 8 French Film Festival excursion | Year 12 Learning Reviews
- Thursday 11 April | Summer Swings
- Friday 12 April | Caritas Day | Last day Term 1 (regular dismissal time)
- Thursday 25 April | ANZAC Day public holiday
- Monday 29 April | Student Free Day
- Tuesday 30 April | First day Term 2
- Wednesday 1 to Friday 3 May | Year 10 Camp | Year 12 Retreat
- Thursday 2 May | Term 2 PEG Meeting (details to come)
- Friday 3 to Sunday 5 May | Generations in Jazz
- Friday 10 May | Mother's Day Lunch
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