The year that was…
Reflecting on the past year, I am reminded of the collective spirit that defines our school community. It's in the classrooms where ideas are sparked, the hallways where friendships are formed, on the playing fields where resilience and teamwork are celebrated, and at our many events, where families joined together and reignited the strong sense of community that Mercedes College is known for.
Helen Keller once said, "Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”. This year, I feel that together, we have all accomplished so much. Both on campus and beyond the Hedge.
Now it’s time to take a deep breath, reflect on 2023, and prepare for the holidays with family and friends. At Christmas especially, I wish all our students, families, and staff - joy, hope and peace - but I also look forward to the excitement and anticipation that the beginning of a new year often brings.
As we plan for our 70th anniversary in 2024, including the opening of our new Arts and Sports Precinct, I am confident that next year will be one of more celebration, continued community growth, and further engagement in and out of the classroom.
I look forward to welcoming you all back for the start of Term 1 on Wednesday 31 January. Enjoy the break!
Andrew Balkwill

Vote for your College Council
Each parent or caregiver with a student enrolled at Mercedes College is invited to vote in our 2024 College Council election.
With multiple people nominating to join our Council in 2024, an election is required to fill the 2 vacancies available.
We have 3 nominations and would love you to take a minute to cast a vote - having a parent voice on the College Council is important, and by voting you will be helping to choose the 2 parents that will represent our community. It will only take a minute – so click here to read about our nominees and cast your vote.
The ballot closes at 9am, Monday 18 December 2023
Tis the Season for giving...
A huge thank you to our families for embracing the annual St Paul's Parish Brother Michael Hamper Appeal. Your generosity resulted in 2 trailer loads of boxes containing non-perishable foods that will fill hampers distributed to families in need this Christmas season.
True Mercy in action.

Colourful 2024 Leaders
House spirit is in good hands for the coming year…we recently announced our Leadership positions for 2024, starting with our 4 College Captains.
Now, we’d like to introduce you to our 2024 House and Arts Leaders…
Our 8 House Leaders represent our 4 Houses: Barry, Dalton, Fitzpatrick and McAuley. We are looking forward to raising our House spirit in 2024 to celebrate our 70th anniversary. Welcome Elka and Charlotte (Barry), Sara and Ava (Dalton), Alexis and Ella (Fitzpatrick), and Madison and Violet (McAuley).
Our 4 Arts Leaders and Executives will be leading the way in music, drama, visual arts, singing, dancing, design – so will be kept busy bringing the creative side of the College to life in 2024. We are looking forward to it Chloe, Will, Noah and Ella!

Joy at the 2023 Sports Fun Day
There were lots of smiles, cheers, and laughter at this year’s Reception to Year 6 Sports Fun Day!
The 7 Year Levels decked themselves out in the 4 colours of our Houses – Barry, Dalton, Fitzpatrick and McAuley!
The Main Oval, Rose Garden and JS Hall were busy with activity and good-natured competition. The only place more popular than the sports field was the Bake Sale! Thanks to all the families who attended to cheer on their House and volunteering to help on the Bake Sale tables – it was definitely a case of ‘many hands sell many cakes’!
Congratulations to Dalton, who took out the overall Shield, followed by the valiant efforts of Barry, Fitzpatrick and McAuley.
Even Cam the Camel dropped by with a surprise visit to help present the Winner’s Shield!

Junior Baker wins Top Title
Someone who would have had a standout option at the recent Bake Sale is Year 5 student, Paul. At this year’s Royal Adelaide Show, Paul blitzed the competition with his cooking skills, earning first place for his scones, chocolate cake and pizza, as well as 2 second and 2 third placements.
In fact, the accumulative points from across his entries, earned Paul the title of Most Successful Cookery Exhibitor in all Primary Schools 2023.
Congratulations Paul, and we can’t wait to see what you whip up next year!

Food and Wine Fair | Save the Date!
2024 is going to be a huge year at Mercedes College as we celebrate 70 years, and we’ve got the first family event to put in your diary.
Lock in Thursday 22 February for a night of delicious food, wine stalls and summery fun, at our Food and Wine Fair, in our beautiful College grounds.
This is a wonderful community event to kick off the year – for new and continuing families – so put the date in your diaries now: 3.30pm – 7pm, Thursday 22 February.
Tickets will go on sale in Week 1, Term 1 – we’d love to see you there!
Mercy Fun Run makes an impact
Earlier in the term, our Junior School put their running shoes on and did a House Fun Run to raise funds for Mercy Works. It was a colourful day of students doing laps around the College grounds for House pride and to raise money for those in need.
The total amount raised was almost $7,300 – which will go towards Mercy Works projects in South Australia and interstate – a brilliant and generous effort from students and families alike.
The winning House who ran the most laps was… Barry – congratulations!

Orientation Day
Thank you to everyone who came along to our Orientation Day last Friday, to meet teachers, locate classrooms, form new friendships, and learn about what is in store in 2024…
It was lovely to welcome so many new families to the College – and to see current students helping our newest students to navigate the grounds and feel welcome. Always a great day of stepping up to a new Mercedes College experience … we look forward to welcoming you all back in Term 1.

Merry Music-Makers out and about
To celebrate the season and the end of another school year, our musicians have been busy taking their talents on the road.
Visitors to the recent Carrick Hill Christmas event were treated to a carols performance by our Petites Voix choir (supported by some VoxPop members), as well as some contemporary solo performances by Year 9 student, Kate. OnTuesday our Stage Band and Small Jazz Combo, accompanied by some vocal students, took their instruments out on tour, visiting St Thomas' Primary School Goodwood, St Anthony's Primary School Edwardstown, and St Joseph's Primary School Kingswood. Playing a number of chart-toppers, they certainly entertained, and even gave a sneak preview of the Christmas songs they'll be performing at this weekend's Carols at Kingswood Oval - so if you are out and about on Saturday 9 December, make sure you get along and support our Mercedes College performers!

Coming up
- Friday 8 December 2023 | Middle School End of Year Presentations | Whole of College Liturgy | End of school year, early dismissal (12.30pm)
- Monday 25 December 2023 | Wishing all of our families a safe and joyful Christmas Day!
- Wednesday 31 January 2024 | First day Term 1, 8.35am
- Friday 9 February 2024 | Year 6 – Year 12 Swimming Carnival - Marion Aquatic Centre
- Monday 12 February 2024 | Middle School Family Information Sessions, 6pm (Year 6/Year 7) and 7.15pm (Year 8/Year9)
- Tuesday 13 February 2024 | Junior School Family Information Sessions, 6pm (Reception to Year 2) and 7pm (Year 3 to Year 5) | Senior School Family Information Session, 6pm
- Thursday 22 February 2024 l Food & Wine Fair, 3.30pm - 7.00pm